
Lover of culture and travel, Italy is the country where you have to go to study! Warm and sunny country where life is good, Italy will rock you with discoveries in memories. Discover in this article everything you need to know to study in Italy.

Study in Italy: the guide to study in Italy
In our complete file dedicated to students looking for information on studying in Italy, you will find everything you need to know about enrolling in university, funding your studies, housing, the health system in Italy. , etc.

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Our guide to study in Italy:

  • Do an internship in Italy
  • Au pair stay in Italy
  • Study in Rome
  • Study in Milan
  • Erasmus in Italy
  • Scholarships and funding to study in Italy
  • The university system in Italy
  • Accommodation in Italy
  • Prepare your stay in Italy

Making the decision to go and study in Italy does not happen overnight. If you want to enroll in an Italian university, you will have to start the process almost a year before the start of the school year. Contact the university you are interested in from the first semester of the previous year to find out the application deadline.
University enrollment

The folder

Your file should, in general, be composed of the following documents:

  • certified copies of your baccalaureate diploma with the transcript,
  • a translation into Italian of each of your diplomas by a sworn translator,
  • a photocopy of your ID,
  • two ID photos
  •  Language level

Know that to enter an Italian university, you must have a good level in the language. You will need to pass an Italian test if you are not already in possession of CILS (Certification of Italian as a foreign language), equivalent to a B2 level. Indeed, many universities organize their own language tests for foreign students, which will determine your level and the progress you will have to make.
However, this is not the case for all universities. You must, therefore, obtain an Italian language certificate before your departure. In France, Italian cultural institutes organize exam sessions for their Italian partner universities (Perugia, Siena, Roma Tre).

If you are in Italy, you will be able to follow language courses at the University which will validate the training by certificates of language competence:

  • Certificate of Knowledge of the Italian language in five levels and the Certificate of knowledge of Commercial Italian at the University of Perugia
  • Certification of Italian as a foreign language by the University of Siena
  • Certificate of General Competence in Italian By the University of Rome Tre
  • Also, you can take the CILS, the famous language test that will allow you to access universities. 

Indeed, the diploma is spread over four levels and obtaining level two means that you do not have to take university language tests. You can take this certificate in France in Italian cultural institutes or in other authorized places, but also in Italy in particular in the universities of Siena and Perugia.

  • Level 1: corresponds to the ability to communicate in everyday situations.
  • Level 2: Allows you to enroll in Italian universities without having to take the university language test.
  • Level 3: Allows you to register for the Advanced Courses of Italian Languages ​​and Culture, the Italian Language and Didactic Courses for teachers and the Advanced Course in Italian Literature and Art History.
  • Level 4: Allows you to register for advanced courses in Italian Didactics as a Foreign Language and in the School of Specialization in Italian Didactics as a Foreign Language. Attests to the communication skills that a foreigner should have to use the Italian language in the workplace.

Depending on the degree prepared and the university, tuition fees vary between 765 and 1,600 € per year. Please note, as, in France, Catholic universities are generally more expensive.

Equivalences of diplomas

To study in Italy and in the European Union in general, you must apply for the equivalence of your diplomas. Indeed, in Europe, equivalence is facilitated with the ECTS points system (the unit of account of credits is common to universities and grandes écoles throughout the European Union).

Formalities to go to Italy

To stay in Italy as for all the other countries of the European Union, only your identity card is necessary.
On the other hand, if you intend to open a bank account, rent an apartment or take a telephone line … you will need to obtain the “tax Codice”, a free tax identity number, by contacting the Agenzia Delle Entrate, with your identity card.

Finance your studies in Italy

The cost of living in Italy is expensive. For a year of study, without counting your registration fees in universities or schools, you must have a budget of € 10,000.
Apart from the classic Erasmus exchange program, there are very few funding programs. It is possible that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will give you a scholarship, you must inquire with its services. There are also private foundations that can give you help.
Good to know: the Italian government offers study and research grants to foreign students in certain disciplines, which can reach € 700 / month. A file must be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in France.

Find a job or internship in Italy

It is more in the area of ​​commerce that one should look for in Italy, but to have access to it, one must have a good level of Italian. You can also work in the tourism sector. You can look for job offers in newspapers such as La Repubblica, or Corriere Della Serra. To find a job in Italy, consider consulting the article “Finding a job in Italy”: we explain where and how to find and how to make your CV in Italian.

Accommodation in Italy

In the case of an internship or a job in Italy, the best is to wait for your arrival in the country, or your entry into employment so that the company gives you leads of housing.
If, on the other hand, you come to study in Italy, you need accommodation in a university residence, and they are far from being free. In addition, the number of places for foreign students is very limited, since most of them are reserved for Italian students who are scholarship holders.
There are also public housing units providing many services (gym, library, etc.). These types of housing are called college universitari. To be able to access it you must have a good file.
If you wish to take a rental, the best is to choose the roommate. The only small thing to remember is that rentals are, for the most part, managed by real estate agencies, so you have to provide a commission (which costs about a month’s rent).
Finally, it is also possible to rent a room with a local in Italy.
For the deposit, it can vary from one to three months. To give you an idea, the price of a studio in a city like Rome can vary from 450 to 600 € / month.

Healing in Italy

If you are a student of the European Union, you can apply for your EHIC (European health insurance card). It is free and valid for one year. Otherwise, you can register with the local health agency (Azienda Sanitaria Locale) or A.S.L at the level of the SNN (National Health Service (SSN)), this will allow you to be treated like any Italian.
Good to know: in Italy, emergency medical or dental care is completely free! To do this, you must first consult a general practitioner approved by the USL (Unità Sanitaria Locale, social security). You will not have to pay for anything during your doctor’s consultations or your medication at the pharmacy.

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